Zwolennicy Diego Maradony domagaj? si? sprawiedliwosci za jego smierc w Buenos Aires

fot. SOPA Images/SIPA

Buenos Aires

Veronica Ojeda, Diego Maradona's ex-wife smiling during the demonstration. Demonstrating in downtown Buenos Aires Diego Maradona's fans and family members claimed the legendary Argentinian football player was killed. "He did not die. They killed him," chanted protesters. - Miguel Cortina / SOPA Images//SOPAIMAGES_SOPA011116/2103110852 2021.03.10 Buenos Aires Pilka nozna Zwolennicy Diego Maradony domagaj? si? sprawiedliwosci za jego smierc w Buenos Aires Foto SOPA Images/SIPA/PressFocus !!! POLAND ONLY !!!