PSG - Manchester City

fot. Gabrielle CEZARD/SIPA


Overheated ambiance around the hotel where the PSG players are staying. Hundreds of fans came to acclaim them as the bus was about to reach the Parc des Princes. Rueil Malmaison, on 28/04/2021. Photography by Gabrielle Cezard / SIPA. Ambiance surchauffee aux abords de l hotel ou resident les joueurs du PSG. Des centaines de supporters sont venus les acclamer au moment ou le bus s apprete a rejoindre le Parc des Princes. Rueil Malmaison, le 28/04/2021. Photographie de Gabrielle Cezard / SIPA.//CEZARDGABRIELLE_0304.18823/2104282057/Credit:Gabrielle CEZARD/SIPA/2104282059 2021.04.28 Paryz Pilka nozna liga mistrzow PSG - Manchester City Foto Gabrielle CEZARD/SIPA/PressFocus !!! POLAND ONLY !!!