Football Rennes vs Leicester 17th of march 2022. Rennes left the Europa Conference League with their heads held high after a 2-1 victory over Leicester on Thursday. The Bretons were in the thick of the action right up until the end, driven by a huge Roazhon Park crowd, but were unable to snatch an equaliser in either game. Goals from Bourigeaud and Tait for Rennes and Fofana for Leicester. Rennes quitte l Europa Conference League la tete haute sur une victoire 2-1 face a Leicester, jeudi. Les Bretons ont emballe le match jusqu au bout, pousses par un immense Roazhon Park, mais n ont pu arracher l egalisation sur l ensemble des deux matches. Des buts de Bourigeaud et Tait pour Rennes et Fofana pour Leicester. PIC. OMARI//PATTIERMATHIEU_Sipa.3864/2203180703/Credit:MATHIEU PATTIER/SIPA/2203180921 2022.03.17 Rennes Pilka nozna Liga Konferencji Europy Rennes - Leicester City Foto Mathieu Pattier/SIPA/PressFocus !!! POLAND ONLY !!!